

Wesley offers several areas of consulting services such as Business Start Up, Business Continuity, Human Resources, Project Management, Process Integration, and General Consulting to name a few.

Information Sessions

Wesley holds virtual Information Sessions on topics such as Unemployment, Family Medical Leave, Americans with Disabilities, Veteran’s Affairs, and others. Anyone is welcome to join, and many of them are recorded.


Narrowing down the mass amount of information that is available for any given topic can be difficult.

Wesley takes this information on a variety of topics and makes it easy to understand and follow. If you want information on a topic that is not here just submit the idea on our Contact page and we will look into it!


Sometimes it can be difficult to turn information into action without additional help.

Wesley has taken the information from articles and developed several “plug and play” resources for you to use.

Want a resource that is not available, request it through our Contact page!

Wesley is currently working on leveraging his vast network of professionals to help you get more of the resources you need from a trusted source! If you have a need for a certain professional, let us know through our Contact page today!

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Wesley Cornwell will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.


The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice or financial advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

It is recommended that you consult with an Attorney or Financial expert licensed in your jurisdiction.

To find attorneys in your area you can visit your State's Bar Association website.

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