
Wesley Cornwell is an individual with a diverse background including Business Consulting, Personal Representative Services, Corporate Management, Politics, and Volunteerism.

Wesley is from Las Vegas, NV, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and is presently enrolled in a Doctoral program in Minnesota. Wesley has been working since he was 13 years old and has experienced many financial hardships, including being laid off three times due to economic downturns.

Wesley created this site with the intent to spread information, answer questions, and generally help get information into the hands of people that need it without the political slants that are commonly found in many sources today.

Wesley offers several services including general information sessions and answering questions as well as general consulting services for any size business. You can find out more about these by emailing Info@WesleyCornwell.com or visiting our Services page.

Thank you for visiting WesleyCornwell.com


Nothing on this site is intended to be construed as or relied upon as legal or financial advice. It is recommended that you consult with an Attorney or Financial Planner licensed in your jurisdiction.

Letter from Wesley

Dear Reader,

Welcome to my site where you will find information on a variety of topics that relate to everything from our everyday lives to our worst situations. Currently, that worst situation is being unemployed.

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our medical industry, our jobs, our local, national, and global economies, and our personal lives. With more than 30 Million people unemployed in the United States alone and millions of businesses closed with no guarantee that they will be able to reopen and survive in a post-lock-down world, many of us are forced into the unknown territory of “what next?”

It is my hope that I can alleviate some of that fear of the unknown. It was recently told to me that “knowledge is power.” I sincerely believe that. Even if it is not the answer we want, having information available to us helps us make the best decisions for our personal situations as we sail through these uncharted waters together.

I am always open to answering questions and providing information on topics other than what I have already posted, all you have to do is ask. I hope that you will join me in this adventure and that I can help you through these times and those to come.

One final ask. I run this site without professional help and it does take resources to keep it going. That being said, I am trying to limit the amount of ads that appear but I can only do that with additional support from people like you, so please consider donating today.


Wesley Cornwell

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Wesley Cornwell will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.


The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice or financial advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

It is recommended that you consult with an Attorney or Financial expert licensed in your jurisdiction.

To find attorneys in your area you can visit your State's Bar Association website.

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